Non sales jobs for business majors
Non sales jobs for business majors

non sales jobs for business majors

Strategy Management Track MGT 310 – Leadership & Organization MGT 390 – International Business MGT 491 – Special Topics in Strategy MGT - One Management Elective Human Resources Track MGT 310 – Leadership & Organization MGT311 – Organizational Behavior MGT 390 – International Business MGT 410 – Dispute Resolution Two Core Courses MGT 118 – Vocation of Business MGT 123B - Foundations of Business (previously, MGT 223) MKT 349, 350, 362, or 491, formerly with MGT prefixes)

non sales jobs for business majors

MGT 123B - Foundations of Business (previously, MGT 223) MKT 345 – Marketing Management MKT 346 – Marketing Research MKT 348 – Consumer Behavior MKT 457 - Marketing Strategy One Marketing Electiv e (e.g. Please note: Students in the School of Business are required to receive a C- or better in all courses. Please see the list of all Catholic University minors. Students in the Busch School of Business may also minor in other schools at the University. You need a maximum of four more courses to minor within the School of Business.

non sales jobs for business majors

Note that in each of the within-the-school minor the first two courses are core courses which overlap with your current Business major. The Busch School of Business offers seven within-the-school minor programs and one specialization for students who are majoring in business.

Non sales jobs for business majors